Community & Inspiration with Artpreneur Author Miriam Schulman

As entrepreneurs, we need to plan and strategize in running our businesses, but we also need to be creative. Whether it’s figuring out ways to connect with your community, designing your next product launch, or curating your digital presence. We need to cultivate space where we can be creative so we can have the next great idea that will bring our business forward. Today we’re joined by a truly creative soul and we’ll talk about how she learned to be her true self, the importance of sharing your values, and of community.
I’m joined today by Miriam Schulman. Miriam is an artist, the author of Artpreneur, and an art business coach. She also hosts The Inspiration Place Podcast and developed The Artist Incubator program, where she helps artists get past their fear and doubt and create thriving businesses from their passion, no matter what kind of art they create.
“By being your authentic self, you’re giving your people permission to be their authentic self.” – Miriam Schulman
Miriam is brave in sharing who she really is; someone who is creative, artistic, bold, colorful, and loud. But in a society where artists, especially women, are told to be quiet and conscious of how much space they take up, she had to learn how to not water herself down and be at peace with who she really is.
Miriam shares so much more today, but here are the three main points you’ll gather so much value from:
There are two circles we need to surround ourselves with. The first is a circle of people just like you: your peers and mentors who are in the same field as you, who you can learn something from, and who can encourage you and help you be better and grow. The second is your audience and your clients. These are the people you provide value for, the people who directly benefit from the value you bring to the world. Both circles are equally important and your relationships within them should be nurtured. And Miriam does exactly this. It’s apparent in the way she finds ways to connect with them and devotes time to build relationships, not for what they might offer her, but because she understands how important relationships are.
“It’s really important to become part of a group that encourages you to celebrate your wins because that is motivating, that is positive energy.” – Miriam Schulman
Links from Today’s Episode: