Make It Happen with Coach Jennie

How am I supposed to get this all done?
I know I’m asking myself that all the time. Lots of creative people feel this way. We have big ideas, and we want to see them come to life.
Today’s guest is the coach for humans who have impatient ambition. Can you relate? Coach Jennie is going to show us how to stop squandering our potential and make things happen
How did the concept of make-it-happen come to life?
Coach Jennie wants everyone to know there is nothing wrong with you. She busts a few myths about coaching advice we’ve all heard.
She explains that we all need a way to think through what’s going on. The solution is not to ignore it. Make It Happen was created to help people take action. We all have more how-to information than we can possibly implement.
She supports people to follow through on their commitment to themselves.
Hear how she helps people get from creating strategy (something lots of us visionaries love to do) to implementing it. Not just any action but the right action. It’s not about productivity (doing more) it’s about doing the thing that will get you closer to your goal.
Check out the question she asks her clients – and ask yourself too.
What opportunities are you actively seeking?
Not planning, or researching, but actively doing? It might feel like a subtle shift, but there’s a big difference between planning and executing the plan. Coach Jennie gives some great examples that all of us can relate to.
Hear what to do when you hit the “this sh*t just got real” moment.
Coach Jennie shares a great tip about how to get perspective (and feedback) demonstrating your expertise.
What should you want?
This is something that’s pervasive in many online communities. Does everyone really want to write a book? Are we all trying to get to 7 figures? Coach Jennie brings some sanity to this tricky topic.
Group coaching is magical. – Coach Jennie
The power of coaching by proxy is legit. It’s when you learn from seeing someone else being coached. It also means you are not alone; you are not the only person who has been where you are.
Group coaching is also where I’ve gotten some great ideas. Hearing what works in a completely different industry has sparked something I can model in my business. Insights that wouldn’t come from 1:1 coaching.
Monday Morning Moxie
This is part of Coach Jennie’s magic. You must hear how she does this and the way it’s impacted her members. Genius!
No Facebook Group WHAT?
Coach Jennie’s group doesn’t have a Facebook group or a forum of any kind. She provides other ways for her members to connect with her when they need something specific. There are other ways to build community and we talk about how she does that for her members.
Jennie wants everyone to feel accomplished. Not productive. There’s a big difference between I did a thing in Trello to I crossed a frickin’ finish line.
I know Long Game fans are action takers. You’re here because you want to do work you love and make an impact. Here’s to making it happen!