Building a Content Fortress with Lyndsay Cambridge & Martin Huntbach


In today’s digital world, there are countless ways to market yourself and your business, to the point where it can feel overwhelming and daunting. Sometimes, despite producing top-quality content, we still can’t seem to attract our ideal clients. Our guests today will help demystify the digital marketing landscape and break down strategies for building a content fortress.

“One of the best tools for communication is story.” – Martin Huntbach

Joining us today are Martin Huntbach and Lindsay Cambridge, the duo behind Jammy Digital, an award-winning SEO and content marketing agency for business owners who aren’t afraid to stand out. Their bestselling book, “Content Fortress,” breaks down eight content pillars that will help your business.

Here are some things we discuss in this episode:

  • Utilizing both long and short-form content

  • How repelling and attracting content will save you time and bring in your ideal clients

  • How culture content impacts your interaction with clients
  • “What’s the entire journey from start to finish from awareness right through
    the buying cycle and beyond?” – Martin Huntbach

    Martin and Lindsay also break down all we need to know about sales content. This is something that a lot of us are uncomfortable writing because we don’t want to come across as too sales-y or in-your-face, but this is more than just presenting yourself. It’s about letting your ideal clients know who you are and how you can help them. It’s about starting the customer journey even before they book a call with you or sign a contract.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your digital marketing game. Be sure to grab a copy of “Content Fortress” and tap into all the knowledge and strategies shared by our guests. Listen in if you’re ready to take your content strategy to the next level.

    Links from Today’s Episode:

    Jammy Digital Website

    Jammy Digital Facebook

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    Jammy Digital YouTube