Artificial Intelligence and Your Business Part 1
The mention of artificial intelligence either gets you really excited or makes you cringe. and think of robots taking over the world and enslaving all humans. Things we don’t yet fully understand feel scary and threatening on a surface level.
In this episode, I want to walk you through all the areas where we’ve already been introduced to artificial intelligence or A.I. and how much we have already adopted it into our daily lives without realizing it.
We’re going to explore A.I. over the next two episodes. The good side and the darker side that makes us a little nervous. We have to understand the implications of A.I. as consumers, small business owners and entrepreneurs playing the long game.
A.I. is showing up in so many parts of our lives. From how we talk to Alexa or Siri, how we shop on Amazon, to how we interact with people on social media. Big companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and even Uber are not just using artificial intelligence. They’re also investing millions of dollars into making it more efficient to improve productivity and sales.
“It’s such a double-edged sword, we get access and connection but we give up privacy and we give up control of our content reach.”
It’s a reality we have to face whether we want to or not. Learning all the ways you can leverage these technological advances in your business is worth paying attention to. Understanding how the social platforms a majority of businesses are relying on for sales and connection to their audience and customers is going to be critical for the long game. In part 2, we’re going to explore the darker side of A.I. so we can approach this technology with eyes wide open.
Links from Today’s Episode:
The 10 Best Examples Of How Companies Use Artificial Intelligence In Practice