How to Keep Connected to Past Clients


Recently, a former client reached out asking for help. Our work together ended about 5 years ago when I built a website for her. We keep in touch now and then, but her recent request was an ask for help. 

Her site was down, and she was looking for a resource. I’m glad she reached out to me and I was happy to point her in the right direction to resolve the issue. She then asked about doing some updates and wanted to know if that’s something she could hire me to do. 

You know it’s a long game strategy conversation today. 

My P.E.A.K. framework is all about client relationships and the K stands for keep in touch. Let’s dive into why it’s worth having a plan to reconnect with past clients 

  • You never know when a past client will need your services again. Staying top of mind as a valued resource is a win/win.

  • When you are in touch, they have an opportunity to refer business your way. Timing is everything and when a friend asks for a recommendation, someone who has maintained a relationship is going to benefit.

  • It’s good for your brand! It’s not about selling all the time. Staying in touch is a great way to let clients know they weren’t just a transaction.

  • I know you agree this sounds nice but you’re wondering how to do this on top of taking care of current clients and everything else? I’ve got you. 

    5 ways to keep in touch with past clients. 

    1. Make the first move. Reach out with a text or email. Did something remind you of them? Give them a call and let them know they are on your mind.

    2. Send a relevant article or blog post that you know will be helpful for them. Staying on top of trends or sharing something in the news about their industry is an easy way to let people know you’re thinking of them.

    3. Tag clients in your email provider so you can send client only info. This takes a little set up time but once it’s done it is a great way to share information that’s only for them from a trusted resource (you!).

    4. Engage on social media. Leave a thoughtful post or comment on their page or in response to something they have shared. Take time to really connect with a shared experience or a comment that shines the spotlight on the great work they are doing. Makes this a once a week 30-minute task.

    5. Be the person who refers them! Make the introduction to someone you know will benefit from their expertise. There’s no better way to nurture your connections by helping them make relationships.

    These don’t have to be everyday activities. Be intentional when you see an article or post or find an opportunity to refer or make introductions. Make a part of your process to quickly send an email or text. 

    Staying in touch is one of the best ways to gain new business from previous clients and make connections Strong relationships are a long game strategy that will always be on trend.